December 14, 2010


A few of my favourite photographs taken in the year 2010 -

The year 2010 has definitely been one of the most interesting years of my life to date.

This year has amounted to a few things, to list just a few:
- I am one proud South African, Mzansi is the most amazing place ever.
- The 'Kempton' part of my last name seems to have disappeared entirely.
- I have never traveled so much in the space of one year. I'm a right old jetsetter! I've been to Cuba, Johannesburg, Zanzibar and Holland all this year. Ai. LUCKY JONES.
- I've made a bit of money. It's a bit, nothing spectacular.
- I tasted the most amazing spring roll ever (I'm sorry, I had to)
- I've also met some great new people. I would name them but that would almost be as lame as 'kissing-and-telling'.
- Home life has done a 180, but I couldn't be more happy for my parents.
- I'm losing a great friend (Peggy) to the shores of Durban, but wish her the best of luck and love her lots. Hope she visits often!
- I bought the cutest, yet kitchest, shoes ever. Everyone hates them which is grrrrrrreat!
- One person this year was like: 'Ah, you're famous!' One. One is a good enough number for me. I have time.
- I borrowed two books from my future husband... I tried really hard to read them as quickly as possible so that I didn't look like the slow-reading stalker idiot that I am.
- I won stuff this year. Like, a lot of stuff. So my CV is happy now.
- I made one of those snow sphere things with Cape Town on the one side and the New york skyline on the other. It's like, where I'm from and where I'm going to. HA! Alas, it was one of those corny days. (That's most days though).
- I have loved blogging this year and I'll be sure to return to the keyboard with a vengeance first thing next year, 2011. Ai, 2011 already.

And to all my little 48 followers, YOU ARE COOL.

- ALSO: I got barked at this year as well. That was a first, haha. I hope 2011 has the same amount of magical moments such as the barking incident ✌