June 10, 2011

a clouded mind sees nothing

                          // I think I've lost it.

Now that I have an occasional break from going to school with study days etc. I find it so difficult to get up in the mornings. It kind of worries me because it feels like I'm not doing something that makes me want to get up, which, has an inkling of truth in it because male reproductive organs do not make me want to jump out of bed and embrace the new day with a resounding 'hoo-hah!' - contrary to what you might think of an adolescent girl who spends more time on the internet than in the real world. Basically, it's like this: the chaos of my dreams are more enticing than reality right now.

I'm not sure if I mentioned before, but I got a new fish! So, I'm back at two again! After the tragic and sudden death of Bonnie, poor Clyde was left a-swimmin' alone in the vast glass vase he calls home. But! I am happy to say that he has a new friend, who is yet to be named but any ideas are welcome. I'm putting my two fish - Clyde and Nameless - on my desk to watch over my studies. Quite a good way to harness ones Chi I'd say.

For some one trying to control their energy flow, I'm quite the blabbermouth today!



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