November 30, 2011


You know the drill,
All images on left are my own and images on right (respectively) are:
stephanie & samuel

Tomorrow's the big day - setting sail (in an automobile, don't get excited) to old Plett for the infamous Plett Rage. Overrated as it may be, I'm heaps looking forward to it, the official begin to my holiday! If any of you blog-readin' folk are down in that little neck o' the woods, won't you pop in and say 'hey!'? I'd truly love that. 

Anyway, here are some archive snaps of my friends (or, more apt: 'guuuuurlz!) matched up with something that either describes their personality or animal spirit. First up El and her dancy danceness, then, me with my crazy cat obsession. Mia donning her favourite accessory: anything vaguely representative of leopard print. And then, ol' Peg'leg - the ultimate flamingo girl, I mean seriously, have you seen her legs?! 

So, Cat & Co., Suburban Knights, JEMP - call it what you will - are off on an adventure, see you on the other side, bitchesssss! 
Bye! x!

November 23, 2011


Finished exams today - ah yes!
Could not be happier. Truly. The past month went a little like this:

Studying like a mutha-bitch, highlighting shizz with my neat United Colors of Benetton highlighters (it's called: revising in style, baby dolls) :

And, saying a little something like this:

Exam humour (it's funny because it isn't that funny)



November 22, 2011


+ andrew brauteseth


"Jou Ma Se Secrecy"
Man, I love Cape Town! If I didn't have to 'tend-to-the-books' on this fine, fine day I'd totally be down at parliament today opposing this bullsh*t. However, I am pretty proud of myself as my Tuesday morning proved quite fruitful and productive - I have sent my complaint to approx. six members of government and so, from all the way in little Stellenbosch I'm also proclaiming 'my right to know'. 

I urge all of you to get on the bandwagon and make a difference. Democracy, as we have so distinctly discovered, is hard work - let's fight for this, please. 

On that HAPPY note, have a splendid BLACK TUESDAY :D


November 20, 2011

1 9 4 7

Does listening to Cold War Kids count for studying History? A a a h, effing thought not.

I watched a very cool film on TCM (my channel, yo) yesterday morning. It was called 'The Unfinished Dance' and it was released in 1947 (hence, the post title). The women are - naturally - stunners and it's all about ballet so I was hooked. I'm almost certain 'Black Swan' took a few notes from this film. I'd love to - in the near-near future - do a shoot with ballerinas. If you are one, please let me know, and drop me a mail please? :D

Anyway, here are a couple of photographs from the last day or so. Notice my impeccable eyebrows - sculpted to perfection?! Very proud of those :)

Have a lovely Sunday,x!

November 14, 2011


If these don't spell out a resounding 'cabin fever', I don't know what will!

Immensely pleased to announce that I wrote my final Biology paper today - no more testes (in that context, anyway) and endocrine system for me! I wish I could say my experiences in the Biology class proved that I am more than just a pretty face, however, my escapades with test tubes and numerous hours in front of books yielding no such conclusion. Therefore, to wave goodbye to that very miserable part of my life is well deserving of a 'hooray!' 

Seeing that I am the unmistakable resident 'Cat Lady', I find it my pleasure, nay duty, to share with you this fabulous little gem I recently discovered from watching a show on television about Aspidistra nursery. The third picture from the bottom, shows my new 'garden' and, as it seems, 'snack bar' for my delectable Nougat (my cat companion... Although the actual food is also quite delicious). It's made up of three utterly delightful cat treats; catnip, cat grass and cat mint. Each with it's own unique effect on your feline - my favourite is, of course, the catnip that appears to put Nougat into such a daze that I often find him lying next to his 'stash', spreadeagled and enormously merry. I have since resorted to naming his little garden 'The Chronic Lady'.

I hope bitches are happy, :D
Stay young, beautiful and stupid. 


November 11, 2011


Live so fast and they die so young.
A poppy for you. All those young lives wasted on war. Here stupidity, there patriotism.

November 9, 2011


------------------ ▲▼ ------------------
left images: all my own
right images (from top to bottom respectively): andy warhol;; henri cartier-bresson; alice-in-wonderland

November 8, 2011


These sticks they crackle on down like bacon in a pan.
These are poetry enough. Nothing says 'spiritual' like getting stark naked in a forest. Makes you feel close to anything. It's times like these that I really wish I could live like the trees.

Like what you see?
Please remember to vote for my blog - only one day left (voting phase ends 9th November) to cast yours! I'll be forever thankful!

November 3, 2011


So I wrote my very first final (how's that for juxtaposing) exam yesterday and, because it happened to be English, I've subsequently discovered one of the things I hold dear and I simply love very much. My all time favourite mistake people make when either under severe stress or trauma or just if you happen to be Peggy de Villiers is: malapropism. It's positively sweet and I sometimes even do it myself. My mother reminds me - on a regular basis - how I used to proclaim, with complete and utter conviction mind you, that: "That Arab's turbine is just splendid!" I'm sure you understand what's wrong there and also - I hope you've picked up - my inclination toward Arab fashions. Along with the actual mistake, I find it leg-kickingly hilarious to picture an Arab (in fact, any old body) with an enormous wind-charged instrument situated on top of their heads.

I completely forgot to blog about this earlier this week but I just want to say a hefty 'interweb well done' to my girl Ellen who, found out earlier this week that she has been accepted to study Fine Arts at Stellenbosch - so proud! My partner in being 'young, beautiful and stupid' as well as my 'interweb-riotz- peer - adrenaline was pumping heavy times when we verbally abused some tool on Facebook the other day, haha. 

History awaits (more juxtapositionzzz!), I must go and tend to the books! Bye! 
(PS. Remember to vote for my blog, thanks!)

November 1, 2011


I so badly wanted to thieve this beautiful Red Indian head-piece from The Red Robins shoot on Friday - how neat is it?! Anyway, I resisted my thieving compulsion and instead left the shoot with three more people in my car and a pair  of very filthy feet. STORY OF MY LIFE.

Happy first day of the month, everyone! N(m)ovember already - can you believe it? Ai ai. I've already had to force down quite a considerable amount of vomit due to being bombarded by Christmas shizz in all the shops already. I do love Christmas, but when I'm faced with nativity scenes and tiny lopsided angels six months prior to the whole shindig, it peeves me off just the slightest. 

Oh! Please please please would you all be so kind as to vote for my blog as part of this year's SA Blog Awards as 'Best Photographic Blog'? Thank you! Just click on the SA Blog Awards badge at the top right and enter your email and all, as it asks. Click on the confirmation link in the email and hear my little voice saying: 'thanks kid, you've done good' in your ear, alright? Alright!