You know the drill,
All images on left are my own and images on right (respectively) are:
stephanie & samuel
Tomorrow's the big day - setting sail (in an automobile, don't get excited) to old Plett for the infamous Plett Rage. Overrated as it may be, I'm heaps looking forward to it, the official begin to my holiday! If any of you blog-readin' folk are down in that little neck o' the woods, won't you pop in and say 'hey!'? I'd truly love that.
Anyway, here are some archive snaps of my friends (or, more apt: 'guuuuurlz!) matched up with something that either describes their personality or animal spirit. First up El and her dancy danceness, then, me with my crazy cat obsession. Mia donning her favourite accessory: anything vaguely representative of leopard print. And then, ol' Peg'leg - the ultimate flamingo girl, I mean seriously, have you seen her legs?!
So, Cat & Co., Suburban Knights, JEMP - call it what you will - are off on an adventure, see you on the other side, bitchesssss!
Bye! x!